Treatable Conditions - Arthritis Problems


Ouch! There it goes again. That grinding pain in your hip; those aching knees that make walking from the kitchen to the bedroom a chore; those stiff and swollen fingers that won't allow you to twist the lid off of a sticky jar or even sew on a button. Arthritis seems to get to everybody sooner or later, slowing us down forcing us to give up some of our favorite activities, and just generally giving us a pain in the neck (sometimes literally!) In more advanced cases, it can seriously compromise quality of life as sufferers surrender their independence, mobility and sense of usefulness while being relentlessly worn down by pain. 

When our joints hurt, our instinct whispers "don't move." Yet our muscles weaken from not being used enough. When weak, they can't support our weight. This increases pressure on the joints and causes greater pain. The good news is that you can manage your arthritis, if not improve or reverse, with a combination of BRT treatments, simple lifestyle changes and good old common sense.

Arthritis is a term that means joint inflammation and is the leading cause of disability in the United States, affecting nearly 43 million Americans, roughly one American in six. If you or a loved one is suffering with arthritis, chances are that it is one of the two most common forms osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. These forms of arthritis are part of a group of more than 100 diseases, called rheumatic disorders.

Based on predictions of population growth, in 2020 an estimated 60 million Americans will have some form of arthritis. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common type; it affects more than 20 million Americans. An estimated 2.1 million people, about 1% of all American adults, have rheumatoid arthritis (RA). 

What common risk factors determine who gets arthritis, be it OA, RA, or another form?

Age. Your risk of developing arthritis depends on your age. Arthritis is the leading cause of physical disability among adults 18 years of age and older, with OA being the most common form of arthritis in this age group.

Gender. In general, arthritis occurs more frequently in women than in men. Before age 45, OA occurs more frequently in men; after age 45, OA is more common in women. RA also occurs much more frequently in women than in men. About two to three times as many women as men have RA. 

Obesity. Obesity increases the chances of getting OA, particularly for women. There is a clear link between obesity and the development of OA of the knee in women. Diet and exercise can help with weight control and minimize the stress on weight-bearing joints, such as your knees. 

Work factors. Work-related repetitive injury and physical trauma contribute to the development of OA. If you have a strenuous job that requires repetitive bending, kneeling, or squatting, you are at high risk for OA of the knee. You may want to explore the options for minimizing the effects of arthritis in the workplace. 

People who are physically active are healthier and live longer than people who are inactive. This is true for everyone but especially for people with arthritis. In addition to the general benefits of regular exercise, certain kinds of exercise have shown important benefits for people with arthritis. 

The muscles are what help to bear the stress on the joint. You'll find that you can actually ease joint pain by building strong muscles. That's not all. The more muscle mass you have, the more energy you burn while at rest, which helps you stay at a healthy weight. Also, strength training may reduce your risk for osteoporosis (brittle bones). The stronger your muscles are, the less likely you are to injure yourself if you take a spill. 

Before starting to do strength training with free weights or a machine, you should talk to your doctor to find out what kind of program is best for you, and you may want to have an instructor supervise your workout rather than do it on your own. Of all exercises, the risk for injury is greatest with weightlifting. 

If you lift weights the wrong way, or try to lift too much too soon, you could tear a muscle or get tendonitis (painful inflammation of the tendon). What's more, if you're not working all the muscle groups equally, your posture and balance can be thrown off. So it's a good idea to have someone teach you how to do it properly. 

Keep in mind that getting results from strength training doesn't mean you have to end up with legs like tree trunks and biceps that tear your shirtsleeves. If you gain enough strength to do things like climb stairs and carry groceries with less pain, your efforts will have been worthwhile. 

BRT Treatments for Arthritis!!! 

Adrenal hormones prevent inflammation. There are certain hormones made in the adrenal glends that have anti-inflammatory qualities. Your body can develop inflammation if it doesn't produce or simply runs out of this hormone. This can result in your body developing conditions like Rheumatoid arthritis and Lupus (skin and digestive problem). Conditions like bursitis, tendonitis, arthritis, sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma, diverticulitis, fibromylagia, myositis (inflammation in the muscles) and even inflammation in the intestinal tract like Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Chrons Disease have been linked to a deficiency of adrenal hormones 

Some people take steroids as in the medication Hydrocortisone or Prednazone to get relief from their inflammatory conditions. They are actually taking a man-made version of adrenal hormones. Unfortunately, synthetic adrenal hormones may negatively affect the adrenal glands. When you supply your body with a hormone on a continual basis, it tends to make your body dependant on receiving this hormone. Your own body then doesn't have to produce that hormone anymore and production may shut down over time. The gland that produces this hormone will also tend to shrivel up and ultimately become unproductive after a while. 

Body Restoration Technique helps remove items (Endocrine Disruptors) from the body that disrupt the production and distribution of adrenal hormones. This allows your body to have adequate amounts of these hormones available to prevent inflammatory conditions from occurring.