Blood Chemistry Analysis

Blood Testing


I knew that there must be another way so I started doing some research. I read all the books, listened to all the tapes, went to seminars, and talked to many of the great interpreters of blood chemistry analysis. I started using their techniques and gradually my diagnostic skills got better. NOW I can figure out exactly what is going on with my patients’ physiology and metabolism by looking at their blood work.

I finally learned how to diagnose and help the patients that came to me with no obvious sign of pathology, but were obviously not “normal”. This method of Functional diagnosis allowed me to find out where the dysfunction was located, what individual treatment was needed, and when was function restored.

Did you know that The Blood Chemistry Screen and CBC are the most commonly ordered lab tests in Western medicine? Unfortunately, most doctors are missing out on an amazing opportunity to gather important information about their patients’ functional health.

A Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis is one of the easiest ways to gather important data from patients.

How would you like to be one of the few patients who can get an incredible amount of detailed data from the standard blood tests you are already getting from your doctors?

By using a unique method of analysis we will be able to sleuth out the cause of the major dysfunctions that plague you. No more being told that your blood tests look normal… No more wasting your money and your time by having tests ordered that don’t tell you anything.

NOW, by using the Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis, we can figure out exactly what is going on with your physiology and metabolism.
Finally, There’s an Easy Way to Improve Your Clinical Outcomes

19 Powerful Reasons You Need to Have A Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis Performed Right Now (You Won’t Believe What You’re Leaving unsaid!)

blood test

Keep in mind we’re not even scratching the surface here….

  1. The 3 interconnected systems of blood sugar regulation and how to use blood tests to assess each system….You will be amazed at how much you can learn about your symptoms.
  2. 3 ways to differentiate hypoglycemia ….Getting this information early can dramatically improve your sense of well-being and prevent long-term deterioration.
  3. How to assess for adrenal dysfunction from blood tests…. You can have a simple gateway test performed that can save you from having to order expensive out-sourced labs.
  4. The best method of assessing the location of liver dysfunction…. Quickly hone in on the likely site of the problem and save valuable time.
  5. 4 lab tests that indicate the presence of oxidative stress in the body…. You don’t need to order expensive lab tests without having your existing blood tests checked first.
  6. 5 tests to help screen for steatosis (fatty liver)…. Don’t wait before treating your fatty liver conditions. Identify and intervene in its early stage.
  7. How to assess for liver dysfunction before it leads to cellular damage…. Knowing how to do this will help you prevent cancer and other degenerative diseases.
  8. How to screen for Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH) long before it manifests clinically….
  9. 5 tests to differentiate kidney dysfunction from kidney disease…. Why wait until it progresses to disease. Identify and intervene early to save you a lot of time and effort.
  10. 6 factors that contribute to kidney dysfunction…. Identifying these factors early will give you a head start at preventing, and reversing kidney damage
  11. The 6 elements on a blood test that you must run in order to get the best method of assessing for thyroid problems….Thoroughly understanding this very common ailment can save you years of suffering needlessly.
  12. Considerations before interpreting a thyroid panel….know how to cover your bases so you don’t make common mistakes.
  13. How to differentiate the location of your thyroid problem….Look at the bigger picture and get faster results.
  14. Clinical indicators for anterior pituitary involvement in thyroid problems….Get fast results by identifying this under-diagnosed condition.
  15. The adrenal/thyroid relationship and why this must be addressed first….Not knowing this can lead to a frustrated doctor and unhappy patients.
  16. A key nutrient that plays an essential role in thyroid metabolism (not iodine!) and how to assess for it ….Don’t let this common nutrient deficiency thwart your efforts again.
  17. Why low cholesterol levels may be more dangerous than elevated levels…. Having a comprehensive grasp of this charged topic makes all the difference in the world.
  18. The truth about diet and elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels…. We will help you successfully navigate through this controversial topic.
  19. 6 common functional problems of the cardiovascular system that can be assessed using blood tests…. without subjecting yourself to expensive and inconvenient testing.


Reading a blood test is one thing, interpreting the results is another.

Blood tests are taken for many different reasons, for example, to:

Help diagnose certain conditions, or to rule them out if symptoms suggest possible conditions.
Monitor the activity and severity of certain conditions. For example, a blood test may help to see if a condition is responding to treatment.
Check the body’s functions such as liver and kidney function when you are taking certain medicines which may cause side-effects.
Check your blood group before receiving a blood transfusion.

The most common blood tests are:


  • Full blood count – checks for anaemia, and other conditions which affect the blood cells.
  • Blood chemistry.
  • Kidney function.
  • Liver function.
  • Hormone levels.
  • Blood glucose (sugar) level.
  • Blood clotting tests.
  • Tests for inflammation.
  • Blood cholesterol level.
  • To check the levels of certain medicines to ensure you are taking the correct dose.
  • Immunology – such as checking for antibodies to certain viruses and bacteria.
  • Blood grouping.