Liver Rebuild Diet

Liver Rebuild Diet

The whole key to this Liver Rebuild Diet is to rebuild the liver by giving it the proper nutrients that it needs to regenerate. When you give the liver a temporary break from animal proteins as well as feeding it superfoods, it will start to regenerate. When you have a sluggish liver, it is IMPOSSIBLE to repair injured muscles, tendons and ligaments. (It is very common for many people to have multiple symptoms or injuries that do not heal. For example: tendonitis, sinusitis, bursitis, arthritis, tinnitus, gingivitis, chronic back pain and slow wound healing.) It is very common for people to have a problem losing any weight, have hormonal issues that won’t get better, complain of digestive problems which may include an acid burning feeling in the chest, and blood sugar issues that don’t regulate very easily when your liver is not functioning properly.

The 14-Day, Kick-Start Liver Cleanse and Weight Loss Program

For fourteen days, eat only a vegan diet, which means excluding all animal products (meat, poultry, fish, dairy). Completely avoid all sweets, soft drinks, coffee, alcohol, junk food and tobacco. Make at least fifty percent of your vegan diet raw food-salads, sprouts, fresh fruit, veggie sticks, and freshly made vegetable and fruit juices. You may eat beans, legumes, oatmeal, nuts, and brown rice to help fill you up. Drink at least 64 ounces (eight, 8-ounce glasses) of purified water daily.

To this program add each of the following regimens daily:

Hot Water, Lemon Juice and Cayenne Pepper

Lemon and cayenne are excellent liver cleansers. Squeeze 1/4 of a fresh lemon in a cup of hot water and add a small dash of cayenne pepper. Stir together and drink upon rising.

Fresh Beet Juice

Beets contain betaine, which promotes the regeneration of liver cells and the flow of bile. Betaine also has a beneficial effect on fat metabolism. Drink from three to eight ounces of fresh beet juice each day. It is best to start the day with this juice. Because of its strong taste, it is best mixed with milder tasting juices such as carrot, cucumber, celery, lemon, and apple. To this mixture, add a freshly juiced ginger root. If this does not appeal to your taste buds, you may alternatively purchase Springreen’s Beet Pills from us. (10 pills – 3 times per day)

Carrot Salad

Place one cup of finely shredded carrots, or carrot pulp leftover from juicing, in a bowl. If shredding the carrots, they should be a mushy consistency; use a food processor or fine grater. It’s easiest to use the carrot pulp. For the dressing, combine one tablespoon extra-virgin, cold-pressed olive oil with one tablespoon fresh lemon juice. Whisk together. You may add more dressing, but not less. I also like to add a dash of cinnamon to the dressing. Pour the dressing over the shredded carrots (or carrot pulp) and mix well.

Green Drink Juicing

Each day, preferably afternoon or early evening, drink 10 ounces of freshly juiced green drink – cucumber, bok choy, parsley, spinach, kale, celery, or any other green herb or vegetable. You can add fresh lemon juice and/or fresh ginger root to improve flavor. (You may also do a wheatgrass shot in addition or as a substitute for this green drink. Start slowly by initially doing a 1 ounce shot for the first week and increasing it to a 2 ounce drink thereafter. There are certain juicers that can juice fresh wheatgrass if you are able to buy or grow it on your own.)

Potassium-Rich Vegetable Broth

This vegetable broth provides important nutrients, especially minerals, your body needs during the cleansing process. It is very good to help reduce chronic inflammation throughout the body. (i.e. – tendonitis, bursitis, arthritis, etc.)
This broth derives its healthful properties – including its high potassium content from potatoes and other vegetables. When purchasing potatoes, choose ones that do not have a green tint. The chemical solanine, which gives the potato its green cast, can interfere with nerve impulses and cause diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

3 potatoes
4 carrots, sliced
2-3 cups chopped zucchini
2-3 stalks of cut celery
1/2 bunch parsley, sliced
2 quarts steam-distilled water
1 onion, sliced
3 cloves garlic, peeled

1. Scrub the potatoes well, and cut out any eyes.
2. Cut the potatoes in half. Cut the peel from the potatoes, making sure to keep about 1/2 inch of potato with the peel. Set aside the potato centers for another use.
3. Place the potato peelings, carrots, ½ bunch parsley, and celery in a large pot. Cover with the water. Add the onion and garlic to taste. Boil for about 20 minutes.
4. Cool the broth. Strain out and remove the vegetables (you may eat the vegetables separately). Serve two cups of broth daily.

Why Do I Need the Potassium Rich Broth?

Organic Potassium is needed to convert food, especially sugars and fat, into the proper compounds. Excess gas is an indication of low potassium level. Potassium is also needed for the generative functions, for the nerves, brain, joints and spinal cord. Like sodium, it is needed for utilization of oxygen. We hear about the importance of iron for the blood and oxygen, but potassium is even more important for the blood. Potassium and sodium are needed for energy transference and the electrical conductivity in our bodies. Lack of potassium means lack of coordination, poor sleep, possible enlargement of the liver, kidney problems, itchy skin, constipation, nerve trouble, muscle weakness and poor memory, a feeling of sand in the eyelids, pus and mucous in the mouth, throat and stomach, pain in the lower back of the head, sore tender skin, annoyance at wearing shoes, a desire for cold water or drinks, displacement of the uterus, nausea from excitement, a tendency toward violence, loss of ambition, restlessness, nervousness, mental illness, a desire to be alone, and negativity. Some of the highest sources of potassium are: skins(only the skins) of potatoes, parsley, cayenne pepper, yams, carrot juice, kelp, dulse, irish moss, raisins, dried peaches and pears, papaya, avocado, dried figs, and all herbs, especially the bitter herbs. Almost all fruits and vegetables have potassium, but cooking them can remove much of it.

Organic Vegetables — artichokes, beets, all leafy green vegetables, carrots, capsicums, cucumber, pumpkin, sweet potato, and bean sprouts. All these vegetables are alkalizing and high in antioxidants, essential minerals and dietary fiber. In addition, artichokes contain plant compounds known as caffeoylquinic acids, which increase the flow of bile and help to digest fats. Broccoli and other brassicas (kale, collard greens, turnip root greens, rutabaga, bok choy, cauliflower, kohlrabi, brussel sprouts, radish, watercress, garden cress, mustard seeds, horseradish. cabbage, etc.) support the liver’s detoxification enzymes. Brassica vegetables are a potent modulator of the innate immune response system with potent anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-cancer activity.

What kind of Juicer should I get?

A twin gear juicer first shreds the produce between the two gears and then presses the produce to ensure you get the largest amount of juice that is possible. Twin gear juicers are much more expensive than conventional juicers, but the extra price just might be worth it as these juicers are able to extract more juice from your produce than any other juicers can. A single gear juicer will also preserve a lot more of the nutrients in the juice since they don’t heat up during the juicing process and is less expensive alternative to a twin gear. The Samson 6 in 1 juicer, Champion, Omega, and Solo Star II are great single gear juicers that will not heat up your vegetable’s enzymes like many of the conventional juicers that work at 1000 rpm’s.

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